Those Were The Days Of Life…


Waqar George
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

What Is Life?

I am not going to particularly talk about what life is, as it is a highly philosophical question and has so many dimensions and depths. But still the thing about which we are going to talk would need a little reflection on the question.

Life Has Never Claimed To Be Anything

Whenever we meet someone new. We never assume that their name would be this or that. But ask them for their name and then we call them by their name. With life we have this issue, that life never claims to be something. It is what it is, that leaves a huge room for interpretations.

Humans Try To Make Sense Out Of Everything

Anything, when left in an ambiguous space, humans try to make sense out of it. They start trying to find or create meaning in that. So, when life has not told us anything about it and everyone is here to experience it for the first time altogether. It leaves a space for interpretations. This is why knowingly or unknowingly every human follows a philosophy of life which can be driven or created by one’s self.

What It Can Be?

Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness. A way full of ups and downs. And everyone when trying to figure out what life is, they consider this yin yang of life. That is the reason people compare life with Piano, Movie, Journey. The baseline of any analogy is the representation of the Yin Yang of life.

So, What Life Is?

Anything open to interpretations means that there are no certain rules to interpret or use it. The interpretation in which one believes anchor their decisions. So, whatever we believe or understand about life affects our behavior toward it.
Whether we compare life with Piano, movies, journey, or any other thing we know that life is not about a moment or some collective moments which we lived. Life is something that is occurring or existing. The day it will cease to exist, it will be no more and to the day it exists it is there. People sometimes think that life was when we had that moment or life was there when we were having that particular experience of life or those were the days of life.
Life is not something frozen, it is like flowing waters. It is a series of moments. It is not about a moment. One should enjoy everything that life offers in order to fully experience it.
This is what life is about, it is to be experienced, whether it is sorrow or joy, ups or downs one should always be ready to experience what it has to offer.



Waqar George
New Writers Welcome

I'm writer | full of curiosity | I write about things that make me curious.