I Dare You To Sit Alone
I dare you to sit alone, as it is one of the hardest tasks for a person to perform. It is hard as one never feels comfortable being alone. It is hard as one has never really tried it. It is hard because, whenever one is alone, they are not alone. They always contaminate the solitude with any distraction. It can be music, it can be social media, it can be friends to whom one makes calls when they are alone. They push themselves away from themselves.
I dare you to sit alone, without doing anything. I dare you to sit alone without making any photos. I dare you to sit alone without searching for any dopamine. I dare you to sit alone without trying not to get bored.
As I said it is the hardest task for a person to perform. That is why I dare you to sit alone.
Sitting alone is the instrument of all creative and deep thinking. This is a warehouse where all the creation occurs. It is a superpower for humans. It creates a space for thinking. It creates an atmosphere where all the absurdities and randomness dissolve into the deep levels of thinking and creativity. Solitude is also a gateway to the inner realities of one's own self. It is the gateway to the soul and all the beginning of self-knowledge. It is something that creates space for all the philosophy to take place. Besides all of this, It is very hard for one to sit alone.
The reason one finds it difficult to be alone with themselves is because one does not enjoy their own company. One never finds any way to hangout with themselves. One can never figure out their ownselves. One fails to befriend themselves. One finds it hard to try to understand themselves.
Yet, I still dare you to sit alone.
It may make one question that how one can sit alone? How one can try to be really alone with themselves? The only way through which one can try or develop the power to sit alone is to try. The only way is to try sitting alone. That is why I dare you to sit alone.